Wellness Pantry Project

Open at McGill and Concordia University

Restocked monthly. Products available while supplies last.

Where to begin?

Welcome to the Wellness Pantry!

In March of 2022, Sex and Self launched its Wellness Pantry — a project aimed at providing university students with equitable access to sexual health and wellness resources. Sex and Self recognizes that the stigma surrounding sexual pleasure is widespread in present-day society. These conditions have created a dangerous culture of shame for individuals surrounding their sexual health practices and access to safe health and wellness resources.

This project hopes to effectively bridge the gap in student access to safe sexual heath, wellness, and gender-affirming products while also creating a safe space for students to come as they are, and have their needs met freely of shame or financial obligation.

The Concordia Wellness Pantry is located at:

Le Frigo Vert,

1440 Mackay St, H3G 2H7

The McGill Wellness Pantry is located at:

3480 McTavish St, H3A 1X9

  • Items found at our pantries,


    Latex & Non-Latex Dental Dams,

    Tampons & Pads,

    Silicone & Water-Based Lubricant,

    Ovulation & Pregnancy Tests,

    Gender Affirming Gear,

    and Sex Toys.

All of the products available in our pantry have been provided by our generous sponsors, as well as through grant and university funding. We have a limited amount of supplies and want to assure that we manage our stock so we can stay open and available to students for as long as possible. If the pantry is currently empty, make sure to check back in about a month to grab some more supplies.  Our restocks are always announced on our Instagram stories!


Concordia Pantry: Concordia@sexandself.com


McGill Pantry: McGill@sexandself.com


Thank you to our sponsors!